The Annual Meeting of the Weddington Ridge Homeowners Association, Inc. was held on Thursday, November 11th, 2021 at 7:00pm at the Weddington Ridge Clubhouse (3810 Cameron Creek Dr).
Please see the attached PowerPoint for a summary of the discussion. The 2022 budget and dues increase were ratified as presented. We did not meet quorum (20% of homeowners) so we were unable to officially vote in 2 re-elected board members (Lorrie Smith-Maloney and Jean Staats). There is still time to submit a Proxy form to officially vote them in & we will continue collecting them through the end of the year. Please complete and return via email to or mail in as stated on the form.
Thank you to everyone that participated!
-Weddington Ridge Board of Directors
Proxy 2021 Final
2021 Annual Meeting – Budget Insert
WR Annual Meeting Presentations & Minute 2021